Modern Slavery Act Policy
This policy defines how MD Developments & MD Scaffolding complies with section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes as the Company’s Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy.
Organisation Structure and Business
MD Developments & MD Scaffolding is a customer focused brickwork and scaffolding services provider working throughout the UK commercial and domestic construction industry, working with our customers to deliver a first-class service without comprising quality, safety or the environment.
Policy Statement - Our Ethos on Slavery and Human Trafficking
The Company is committed to combatting Slavery and Human Trafficking and takes responsibility for ensuring that its working practices comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This Policy Statement reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure Slavery and Human Trafficking is not taking place anywhere within our Company or supply chain.
Due Diligence
After conducting an audit of our business and supply chain to assess areas of risk and likely exposure, the likelihood and severity of risk within the business has been found to be moderate. As part of the Company’s due diligence process, we continually monitor and adopt effective systems to ensure that the Company does not support or deal with any business or individual knowingly involved in Slavery and Human Trafficking.
Supply Chains
We operate a zero-tolerance policy to Slavery and Human Trafficking. The Company Directors are responsible for procuring external goods and services, is dedicated to ensuring that suppliers and providers always adhere to our ethos and support our compliance to the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Staff involved in the procurement of goods and services, deal with known and trusted supply chains and to discuss the potential risks relating to any new supply chains. All new supply chains have been provided with a copy of this Policy and are required to confirm their compliance with our ethos before commencing the supply of goods or services.
The Company’s HR policies and recruitment practices ensure compliance with The Modern Slavery Act 2015 and all other relevant employment legislation. Auditing practices are in place for checking that all employees have the right to work in the UK. We are continually reviewing our recruitment methods throughout the business to ensure transparency.
Members of staff involved or likely to be involved in the procurement of goods and services will be specifically trained in the requirements of The Modern Slavery Act 2015, however it is unlikely to be relevant to the majority of our staff as they are not involved in the procurement of goods or services. Regardless, this policy will be briefed to all employees at induction.
If an employee has any concerns regarding a likely risk of, or actual breach of our Policy or the Legislation, this must be raised with the Company Directors Reporting can also occur in accordance with the Grievance Policy in general or with the Whistleblowing section of the Grievance Policy in particular.
The Directors of MD Developments & MD Scaffolding are totally committed to this Policy and its implementation.
This Policy will be reviewed annually (or as and when required) by the MD.
It is briefed and acknowledged by all employees on induction and following any policy changes.
Ms Arina Malcoci
Next Review Date: 01/10/2025